

The database contains the full texts of approximately 7 000 electronic dailies and magazines from more than 120 countries.

You can browse magazines through the PressReader web interface in the library network or through the PressReader application , which allows you to download titles to your own devices. In addition to the current editions, older ones are available as well, usually for three months.

Instructions for downloading:

  • Install the PressReader application to your mobile phone or tablet.
  • Connect via the library’s Wi-Fi and download the selected magazines and newspapers to your mobile device, tablet or laptop.

The application is available for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, Amazon Fire OS, and Windows platforms.

Downloaded titles will be available on the device for 7 days without being connected to the internet. After this time, it is necessary to come to the library again and reload them onto the device, or choose other ones. You can download an unlimited number of titles.

Current expansion during COVID: For 30 days, the mobile device remembers the connection to the CLB hotspot and other magazine titles can be downloaded even after connecting to a different Wi-Fi network.

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